Just finished going through my surveys - must have looked at about 2,000 today. Especially liked the person who answered Communism to the question What single thing would you suggest to improve the quality of life in your area?. Turned out to be a UKIP voter. Hmmm. But the winner of best answer to that question goes to Mr B from Hoveton who suggested "Let down the tyres on Margaret Beckett's caravan and give Labour a reality check." I like his way of thinking. 

More seriously, tomorrow it's a drive to East Harling near Thetford to appear on 5 Live, then I'm driving down to London for a meeting with my friend Tony Benn (and I'm being serious - he calls me his favourite Thatcherite entrepreneur). Then onto Central Office -or Conservative Campaign Headquarters as we now call it - before an afternoon chairing a meeting on the Government's Gaming Bill. In the evening I'm meeting with David Davis to talk about policing. My evening on Friday with Sheringham Police gave me some food for thought and some ideas to pass on to him.

And my email is down. I feel bereft. 

I can't believe I am typing this watching I'm a Celebrity Get me Out of Here. I promised myself I would not watch the first episode of this series so I wouldn't get hooked on it. Looks like I failed there then. Not that I have actually heard of many of those on this series. Who is Fran Cosgrove, for goodness sake? Nancy Sorrell? Who she? I shall be voting for that creep Paul Burrell to do the bush tucker trial. Or should I get a life?