This is obviously something I hoped I wouldn't have to post. Last night's result was devastating for me personally and for the local Conservative Party. I have put body and soul into my campaign over the last eighteen months so to lose by such a margin was a bitter pill to have to take. But it wasn't just me. I have received the support of scores of local people who have campaigned with me, night and day, to win North Norfolk back for the Conservatives and it is to them I owe everything. I have received very loyal support from the local Party and I'd like to thank each and every one of them for their encouragement and backing. I'd like also to thank all those who have phoned or emailed me about the result. I'm very touched by your comments and will reply to each one.

Obviously the day after such a defeat is not the best time to contemplate the future, but I wish to make one thing clear. I am not about to disappear from the North Norfolk scene. I live here and intend to continue to do so. I'm going to take some time out to think about my future and what I should do next. Answers on a postcard please...