Articles tagged Andrew Marr:

Telegraph Column: The BBC is trapped in a Remainer London bubble of its own making

  • 20 Dec 2019

This is an extended version of an article which first appeared in the Daily Telegraph "Adapt or die” is a maxim the BBC would do well to adopt if it is to survive the coming years. Following its questionable coverage of the general election, it is going through one of its o...

Let Me Be Clear Where I Stand on Brexit & Mrs May's Deal

  • 27 Jan 2019

I've come to the conclusion that when people watch television, and they have a certain view on an issue, they hear what they want to hear. I've got used to it by now, but it really does irritate me. Take today, for example. This morning I appeared on the Andrew Marr Show for t...

'Politics Live' - The New Kid on the Political Media Block

  • 14 Sep 2018

News junkies are conservative beasts. Whether it’s radio presenters moving to a different slot (!) or political TV shows being axed and then reincarnated, listeners and viewers tend to be very suspicious of change. They jump to conclusions before the first show has even been t...

Sitting Next Door to Alice

  • 31 Oct 2010

Someone just texted me...   What a bizarre sandwich to be the filling for... Indeed. I must admit, when they told me I would be doing a paper review on Andrew Marr with Alice Cooper I did wonder how it would go. I was reassured that Helena Kennedy would be there...

Gordon Brown is Frit!

  • 6 Oct 2008

Well, if Nick Robinson is right, Gordon Brown has bottled it. All summer he has wanted to call an election but at various stages he has chickened out at the last minute. I was told recently that he wanted to call an election in early September but in the end he decided not to....

Is Yasmin Right? Does Blogging Impoverish Democracy?

  • 2 Feb 2007

I don't mind admitting I enjoyed myself yesterday on Sunday AM. The only other time I have been on the programme I did a paper review with Polly Toynbee and was extremely nervous. I remember locking swords with her on the Iraq war and her looking shocked that I should dare to ...