These are the resolutions I made a year ago. Let’s see how many of them I stuck to…

  1. Not to buy a new car. ACHIEVED
  2. Read more for pleasure, rather than because it’s my job. NOT ACHIEVED
  3. Do more TV. NOT ACHIEVED
  4. Go abroad more often. NOT ACHIEVED
  5. Lose another half a stone in weight. HALF ACHIEVED
  6. Ditch ‘I Want it That Way’ as my Karaoke song and find another one. NOT ACHIEVED
  7. Start writing a new book… and think of something to write about. NOT ACHIEVED
  8. Eat fewer biscuits and cakes. NOT ACHIEVED
  9. Get into fewer rows on Twitter. HALF ACHIEVED
  10. Visit Berlin. (Admittedly I vowed to do this in 2013…) NOT ACHIEVED

So three out of ten. Useless. A good reason not to repeat the exercise for next year!