Guardian Diary: Election Night Prep

  • 1 Jun 2001

I’ve had a curious existence in the last few months. I have had to transform myself into ITN’s political editor John Serjeant. Not a pretty sight. But it has all been in the interests of making ITN’s election night coverage run as smoothly as possible.   Few people reali...

OLAS Article: Why Lots of Political Journalists Are Hammers Fans

  • 5 May 2001

Article for West Ham fanzine Over Land & Sea... 5 Live Political pundit Iain Dale says the BBC is riddled with Hammers fans and the media can’t get enough of us.     We West Ham fans are a bit like the Tories - we think everyone's against us. We even think the med...

Speech: Politics in the Age of Personality

  • 18 Feb 2001

• We live in an age of personality and of “the personality”. It is an age where fame is an objective not a resultant, where every facet of a personality is pored over for column inches and TV sound bites. In times past scientists could become world famous for their discoveries...

Manuscript: Memories of Maggie

  • 10 Oct 2000

  MEMORIES OF MAGGIE       EDITED BY   IAIN   DALE                   introduction   The idea for this book came on a holiday to the United States when I came across a marvellous book called ‘Recollections of ...

Introduction to Memories of Maggie

  • 1 Oct 2000

This is the introduction to my book MEMORIES OF MAGGIE, published by Politico's in October 2000...   introduction   The idea for this book came on a holiday to the United States when I came across a marvellous book called ‘Recollections of Reagan:APortrait of Ronal...

Article for Government Opportunities: Why Start a Small Business

  • 12 Nov 1999

Article for Government Opportunities by Iain Dale, Managing Director, Politico’s Bookstore.   Owning and running a small business - a comparatively new small business at that - is something best done by a masochist.  Why else would anyone put themselves through the tortu...

Manuscript: Tony Blair's New Labour Joke Book

  • 2 Feb 1999

  Tony Blair’s New Labour Joke Book     Compiled by Iain Dale & John Simmons                                 The word "politics" is derived from the words "poly" meaning many, and the word "tics" meaning bl...

Sunday Mirror: Blaming Peter Mandelson

  • 21 Dec 1998

  Article for Sunday Mirror by Iain Dale   Margaret Thatcher once famously said: “Every Prime Minister Needs  a Willie”, referring to her loyal Deputy Willie Whitelaw.  Peter Mandelson was Tony Blair’s “Willie” and it is his downfall which may well signal the beginnin...

Manuscript: The Blair Necessities

  • 9 Sep 1998

The Blair Necessities, edited by Iain Dale was published by Robson Books in 1998.   The Blair Necessities   The Tony Blair Book of Quotations     **************** (NEW PAGE)   This book is dedicated to my parents, Jane & Garry Dale   ...

Manuscript: The Bill Clinton Joke Book Uncensored

  • 6 Jun 1998

                                                                                         The Bill Clinton Joke Book   edited by Iain Dale & John Simmons         For Daniel Forrester Mike Fuerst, Mark & Jane Milosch     For...

Manuscript: Labour Party Election Manifestos 1945-97

  • 11 Nov 1997

  Labour Party: 1945   Let Us Face the Future: A Declaration of Labour Policy for the Consideration of the Nation     ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VICTORY IN WAR MUST BE FOLLOWED BY A PROSPEROUS PEACE  ...

Manuscript: Conservative Party Election Manifestos 1945-97

  • 11 Nov 1997

  Conservative Party General Election Manifestos 1945-1997   ed by Iain Dale     Conservative Party General Election Manifestos 1945-1997                 edited by Iain Dale                     ...

Manuscript: Liberal Party Election Manifestos 1945-97

  • 11 Nov 1997

LIBERAL MANIFESTO 1945   20 Point Manifesto of the Liberal Party     ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Liberal Party, having for five years formed part of the All-Party Government, which has victoriously guided Brita...

Manuscript: The Unofficial Book of Political Lists

  • 9 Aug 1997

  The  Unofficial Book of Political Lists   By Iain Dale       ******************************       For Sheena & Tracey         *******************************         Acknowledgements   Most people t...

Bookseller's Association Article: Why I Opened Politico's

  • 1 Jul 1997

Article for Bookseller’s Association Magazine   by Iain Dale, Managing Director of Politico’s         So why did I do it?  Why, why, why did I forego the delights of political lobbying and a company Audi for the delights of the book industry, a minuscule i...

Speech on Acid Rain at the 1985 Conservative Party Conference

  • 2 Oct 1985

Mr chairman, ladies and gentlemen, conference. As a representative of the party of natural party of conservation  I wish to talk to you briefly about acid rain, a phenomenon which gravely threates our beautiful forests and lakes. I suspect there are some here who believe...