Articles tagged Nick Boles:

Theresa May's Days Are Numbered - The Game is Up

  • 11 Mar 2019

Back in September 1992, the evening of Black Wednesday (or White Wednesday as many of us came to call it) when Britain crashed out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism, the then Prime Minister, John Major, called Kelvin Mackenzie the editor of The Sun and joshed: "Kelvin, I hope you...

My Israel Diary

  • 31 Oct 2008

DAY ONE I'm so tired I can hardly type, so we'll see how far I get with this. Today was spent travelling through northern Israel in a huge American nine seater 4x4. We set off from Tel Aviv just after 8am. The traffic congestion heading out of the city was New York-esque in...

Shame on You, Simon Heffer

  • 7 May 2005

Simon Heffer has written a poisonous piece in the Daily Mail today about the fact that Nick Boles and I lost both our seats - he blames it on the fact that we are gay and that people outside London don't like that sort of thing. Strange how he doesn't mention the fact that Nic...