I seem to have created a bit of a stir with my latest Twitter/Facebook status update. For those who missed it, this is it...

Iain is wondering if it is wrong to admit that as an eleven year old, he fancied Esther Rantzen

Now, perhaps it deserves a little - but not too much - explanation. Well, so it might, but who can explain these things properly? Was it her teeth? Was it the way she looked over to the old man at the edge of the studio and said, "Cyril"? Was it her billowing evening dressed in which she presented THAT'S LIFE? Who knows, but as I watched her this evening on I'M A CELEBRITY buried in a coffin with maggots and cockroaches crawled over her prostrate body, well, those old stirrings kind of returned. [enough info - ed].

When someone on Facebook wrote...

Iain, if it helps, I'll raise you Gail Tilsley

...it set me thinking. Who is the weirdest person anyone fancied as an 11-14 year old? You know how to click on comments... go on, you know you want to tell someone...