It's only natural to re-evaluate a few things at the beginning of a new year. I'm not sure I believe in making new year's resolutions, but I'm going to make a few new year's aspirations. Here goes...

1. To make more of a consistent effort to watch my weight
2. To recognise that what I want out of life isn't necessarily the same as those close to me
3. To learn to say 'no' more often
4. To travel more, and visit Berlin for the first time
5. To see Mango Groove and Alphaville in concert
6. To spend more time with my parents
7. To develop a thicker skin (and it's already doubled in thickness over the last year!)
8. To redouble my efforts to ensure the growth of Total Politics & Biteback Publishing continues apace
9. To be philosophical about it if I fail to be selected to fight the next election.
10. To make bloody sure I do get selected to fight the next election!