Articles tagged Conservatives:

Why Do I Do It?

  • 17 May 2009

My partner thinks I am mad. "What on earth are you doing, going to North Wales to speak to 60 people who've never heard of you?" he asked on Thursday night. "Are they paying you?" It was an interesting question. I find it very difficult to explain to people outside politics wh...

Tories Launch New Online Strategy

  • 10 Jan 2009

A couple of days ago Tim Montgomerie wrote about a new Conservative web initiative which is launching this Friday. It's the first tangible sign that Sam Coates has quickly brought a new campaigning aspect to the Tories' web presence and very welcome it is too. As Labour lea...

Top 100 People on the Right 2008

  • 1 Oct 2008

By Iain Dale & Brian Brivati If the top 100 lefties list reflected in its volume of changes in position and large number of new entries the volatility of re-arranging chairs on the titanic after the ice berg has hit, this list of top 100 Right Wingers reflects David Cam...

My 2008 Conservative Conference Diary

  • 30 Sep 2008

Conference Diary Sunday The trouble with party conferences is that it is very difficult to keep tabs with the media narrative. Most of the journalists I have met so far seem completely knackered and willing the party conference season to be over. I suspect that the big stor...

A Word from Aylesbury

  • 19 Sep 2008

I much enjoyed my little sojourn in Aylesbury last night. Needless to say it took me far longer to get there than I imagined, mainly due to the fact that the Edgware Road was shut. This was far from a rubber chicken dinner. It took place in a catering college, which has opened...

Stuart Wheeler's Really Helpful Intervention

  • 18 Sep 2008

I see "Conservative Party donor" Stuart Wheeler is at it again. This evening he will be making a really valuable contribution to a Conservative victory at the next election by making a speech urging people not to vote Conservative. Well done Stuart. Really well done. In the...

Conservative Conference Reflections

  • 4 Oct 2007

Just before I vacate our little holiday chalet at the Ribby Hall Holiday Village (for more, read The Spectator Diary this week, which I penned yesterday) a couple of observations from the various fringe events and parties I went to last night. * Gordon Brown's trip to Iraq ...

Top 100 People on the Right 2007

  • 1 Oct 2007

When we sat down to compile this list with a group of ten journalists, MPs and commentators we had no idea of the difficulty of the task ahead. To qualify for the list you have to live and work in the UK and be on the right of centre of British politics. We've deliberately ...

David Mellor Should Depart the Stage

  • 11 Jun 2007

Oh dear. At about five to twelve this morning Julian Worricker said to me on 5 Live: "That's what we like about you Iain, you don't sit on the fence". Little did he realise what was coming next. After the midday news on 5 Live they had David Mellor on to talk about the grammar...

EXCLUSIVE: Tories Want Dyke to Fight as a Joint LibDem/Tory Candidate

  • 18 Apr 2007

I've been doing some digging into the Greg Dyke Story. As I reported below, Andrew Neil said on his programme this lunchtime that the Conservatives want Greg Dyke to stand against Ken Livingstone. I've now had it confirmed that this is indeed the case, but it gets even more bi...