Articles tagged Conservatives:

Top 100 People on the Right 2012

  • 1 Oct 2012

As delegates gather in Birmingham for the Conservative Party's annual conference, Iain Dale produces a list of the top 100 powerful figures within the Right. (-) DAVID CAMERON Prime Minister & Leader of the Conservative Party   There’s no denying it, Camer...

The Top 100 People on the Right 2011

  • 6 Oct 2011

Governing is a hell of lot tougher than opposition. Governing in Coalition, doubly so. The pace of change set by the coalition has been intense. Not content with merely cutting, project Cameron has also been about reform. Root and branch change that will do a lot more than mer...

The Change Coalition is Coming

  • 9 May 2010

I've noted with wry amusement that ever since I came out as an enthusiast for the Change Coalition, the media invites have dried up. Believe me, after Friday's marathon I am hardly complaining. I can do with the rest, but note how the news channels are concentrating on using T...

A Full Coalition Can Work

  • 7 May 2010

Hilarious. I have just been dropped from a Newsnight discussion on a potential Tory-LibDem coalition because I am seen as too pro LibDem. I never thought those would be words I would ever write. But I know what they mean. I have spent most of the day explaining on the media...

A Few Thoughts on the Election Result

  • 7 May 2010

An astonishing night. As predicted there was no such thing as a national swing. Seats the Tories should have won, they didn't and others no one predicted they would win, they did. What no one predicted was the disastrous night the LibDems have experienced. Not only will they e...

Twenty Election Night Predictions

  • 6 May 2010

Have you noticed how virtually none of our highly paid political columnists or pundits have been brave enough to make any predictions about this election? Cowards, the lot of them. It's easy to understand why, because frankly no one knows what will happen over the next 36 hour...

What Next?

  • 7 Jan 2010

Many things remain unclear, but let's stick to what we know. We know that David Cameron has said he believes there should be a "strong governmment in the national interest". We also know that Nick Clegg has said that he would first talk to the party which has most seats and mo...

Top 100 People on the Right 2009

  • 1 Oct 2009

In the annual list of the 100 most influential people on the left or right of British politics, we nearly put someone we do not know the identity of at number 2 in both lists. We will call him Deep Moat - the Whitehall whistleblower who shook British politics to its foundation...

Independent Column: Gays in the Tory Party

  • 9 Jun 2009

On Thursday I spent an hour signing letters to Tory MPs inviting them to attend a late night “Pride Party” at a gay nightclub in Canal Street in Manchester during the Tory Party conference in October. It’s being organised by the Tories as yet another signal that the party is e...

An Open Letter to Lord Kalms

  • 3 Jun 2009

Dear Stanley, Nearly two years ago, in July 2007, you took great exception to a blogpost I wrote which suggested that party donors should be seen and not heard. When we met to discuss it we had a good laugh about it and buried the hatchet. I explained my motives for writing...