A Tribute to Steve Wright

  • 14 Feb 2024

It was just before 5pm. I was interviewing Lord Bilimoria for my ALL TALK podcast when I caught sight of a news alert on my phone. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Steve Wright had died. My brain went in several different directions. But I had to keep interviewing Lord B...

Moyes & Sunak: Brothers From a Different Mother

  • 11 Feb 2024

I’m sitting here on my sitting room sofa, a dog either side of me, watching West Ham take an absolute tonking at home to Arsenal. As I write the score is 0-6. What an utter embarrassment. Sunak out! Sorry, I mean Moyes out! Or do I? Because what I am feeling now is the same fe...

Derek Draper's Funeral: The Gathering of the New Labour Clans

  • 4 Feb 2024

Political parties are like tribes. They defend their own. And in times of stress they circle the wagons and whatever the facts are, whatever the pressures, whatever someone has done wrong, they find excuses and explanations. I was once a very tribal being. Much less so nowaday...

Would you fight for your Country?

  • 28 Jan 2024

My generation has been lucky. We’ve never had to fight a war, unlike those of my father’s and grandfather’s generation. Indeed, my Great Uncle, Clifford Norden, was killed only ten days before the end of World War I. This week the head of the British Army, Sir Richard Sande...

The Loan Charge Scandal Could be Bigger Than the Post Office

  • 22 Jan 2024

Some of you may have heard of the Loan Charge. Most of you probably haven’t. Mark my words, it is a scandal which eclipses the Post Office scandal, of which it is very redolent. It has, however, affected far more people, most of whom are wholly innocent of the charges against ...

'For the Many Live' Comes to Dublin on 24 March

  • 10 Jan 2024

  I first went to Dublin in the mid 1990s when I had the pleasure of being one of the first people to see Riverdance performed live, at the Eurovision Song Contest. I’ve been back several times since and have grown to love the city. So when I was approached at last y...

My Predictions for 2024 (And how my 2023 Predictions Turned Out)

  • 31 Dec 2023

Before we get onto my predictions for 2024, let's see how I fared when I made my 2023 predictions this time last year. The answer is not well. A pathetic 2.10! Worst ever. 1. Jeremy Hunt won't be Chancellor at the end of 2023. NO 2. Inflation will be under 6% by the en...

My Top Photos of 2023

  • 27 Dec 2023

  January: Bubba, two weeks before he died, saying goodbye to Jenny for the last time, as she walked down the stairs. February: Dude March: Launch of THE PRESIDENTS at the British Ambassadirs reception in Washington with Dame Karen Pierce, May: In a...

My Top Ten Books of 2023

  • 24 Dec 2023

Because of eyesight issues which affected me earlier in the year I have probably read fewer books this year than any other year in my life, But here are ten I have really enjoyed and would recommend to you.   1. Killing Thatcher by Rory Carroll 1 Buy it HERE   ...

My Top Tweeters of 2023

  • 23 Dec 2023

This is a list of 250 Tweeters I have most enjoyed during 2023. This is the tenth year I have compiled this list.  I follow about 4545 people on Twitter, 145 more than this time last year. Anyway, these are the ones who have entertained, informed, educated, annoyed and, mos...

My Weekend with Sir Cliff Richard & Friends

  • 15 Nov 2023

I first saw Cliff Richard in concert when I was 16. It was in 1978, I think, in London. It was the first pop concert I had ever been to. His 75 Greatest Hits album had become a number 1 bestseller and his Green Light LP had been released. I was hooked. I was already a fan, hav...

Why I Welcome the Return of David Cameron

  • 13 Nov 2023

This article first appeared on the Telegraph website HERE.   As Sir Alex Ferguson might have said: “Politics. Bloody Hell.” There’s nothing a prime minister likes more than to spring a reshuffle surprise, and boy did Rishi Sunak achieve that this morning with the appoint...

In Concert with Cliff Richard and, er, me!

  • 22 Oct 2023

It was in early March. I was in bed in my Washington DC hotel flicking through emails on my phone. One email stood out. It was from Cliff Richard's office. "Can I call you urgently?" asked his PA. What on earth could this be about, I wond...

A Week on From the Hamas Terror Attack - What Now?

  • 15 Oct 2023

Whenever a terror attack occurs, as a broadcaster, I try to report facts and avoid hyperbole. Had I been on air last Saturday morning, I would have done just that. But when I finally got on air, on Monday evening, we knew the facts. We knew what had happened. It was beyond dou...

LBC is 50 Years Old! Happy Birthday LBC!

  • 8 Oct 2023

  Today marks the 50th anniversary of the start of commercial radio in the UK. LBC and Capital Radio were the first two stations on air, and fifty years on both stations are at the top of their game. LBC has undergone various changes in ownership over the years, and is ...

That was the (Terrible) Week That Was

  • 30 Sep 2023

    There are some weeks or days when you just shake your h...

Iain's Edinburgh Show Podcast Archive

  • 24 Aug 2023

This post provides links to the audio podcasts from Iain's 18 All Talk and For the Many events at the 2023 Edinburgh Fringe.  There are also five episodes of the For the Many Live shows on the For the Many podcast feed, In addition, click HERE for an hour of highlights from...

'Safer with Susan' Triumphs over 'Mad Moz'

  • 19 Jul 2023

Conservative mayoral selection contests have rarely run smoothly, but this year really takes the biscuit. It’s been an embarrassment from start to finish. For a year now the Tories have been searching vainly for a high profile candidate who was equipped to take on Sadiq Khan n...

When Podcasts Interview Iain... My Podcast Archive!

  • 8 Jul 2023

Someone said to me I should collate all my different podcast interviews in one place, so here goes. These are all appearances I have made on other people's podcasts, not my own! I've added links to listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, but if you use another podcast platfor...

Iain Dale's Book Club Podcast - Episode List

  • 8 Jul 2023

  Iain's Book Club podcast was launched in September 2018. Each week (sometimes twice a week) Iain interviews some of the most interesting authors in the country with new books out. And there's the occasional bonus episode or an author interviews from the archives.  ...