
  • 11 Dec 2022

As many of you all know, our two dogs, Dude and Bubba, are the lights of our lives. Now that they are both 11, you start to think about the awful day when they'll no longer be with us. This week, I'm afraid that the dreadful prospect of one of them leaving us ...

Please Help Repair the Cello That I Obliterated When I Fell Off A Stage In July

  • 11 Nov 2022

               DONATE HERE On 23 July this year, I obliterated a cello in the orchestra pit of Buxton Opera House by falling off the stage on top of it. You can read the gory details HERE. I was lucky to have landed on the cello. If it hadn't been there my injuri...

The Trials Down Under of Hatt Mancock

  • 7 Nov 2022

In principle, there’s nothing wrong with politicians appearing on reality TV shows. Yet whenever they do it they get a shed load of abuse, especially if the show is taking place when parliament is in session. Politicians only seem to get away with it when the show is prerecord...

The Challenges Rishi Sunak Faces in Forming His Government: Reshuffle Predictions

  • 25 Oct 2022

The first task facing any new prime minister is to form a government. This means sacking existing ministers and appointing new ones. It means rewarding allies and penalizing those whose faces don’t fit. For Rishi Sunak this is not going to be the most pleasurable of experience...

Why I am Endorsing Penny Mordaunt

  • 20 Oct 2022

This article first appeared on Telegraph Online   So Liz Truss becomes the third female Conservative leader to be effectively toppled by her own MPs. When Margaret Thatcher left Number 10 on that November day 32 years ago, she said: “We leave the country in a far better ...

Will Liz Truss Read the Writing on the Wall? And Other Pertinent Questions

  • 15 Oct 2022

Friday turned out not to be the end for Liz Truss. But it did mark the beginning of the end. And rightly so. I have no idea why people are surprised. Right from the start of the leadership contest I said she was not fit for the job. She is a terrible communicator and has a tin...

On This Day in Politics is Published!

  • 6 Oct 2022

My latest book, ON THIS DAY IN POLITICS - BRITAIN'S POLITICAL HISTORY IN 365 DAYS is published today, and I am a proud author! When Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was asked by a journalist what his greatest challenges were, his reply was very simple. “Events, dear boy,...

Quick Reaction to Kwasi Kwarteng's "Mini" Budget

  • 23 Sep 2022

I was on a plane to Jersey (no, not visiting my money!) when Kwasi Kwarteng was on his feet in the Commons. It wasn't exactly a "mini" budget, more of a "We don't care if you don't like us, we're going to do it anyway" budget. "Courageous", as Sir Humphrey might say. Timing...

We Can Be Proud Of Our Country

  • 19 Sep 2022

Today really will mark the end of one era and the beginning of another. I'm so proud of the way the country has reacted to the death of Her Majesty. With very few exceptions, a huge amount of respect has justly been shown to her memory. The sight of the queues of people to pay...

A Few Reflections on the Last Few Days

  • 12 Sep 2022

Harold Macmillan once said ‘Events, dear boy, events, when asked what the most troubling things about his premiership were. Liz Truss would no doubt sympathise. She won the Tory leadership on Monday, traveled to Balmoral to be appointed by the Sovereign to be Prime Minister. O...

My Memory of September 11 2001

  • 11 Sep 2022

Twenty one years ago today, Al Qaeda committed a terrible act of terrorism in the United States, something which has gone down in history as 9/11. I think we all remember where we were when we found out about it. I was sitting at my desk on the balcony at Politico’s talking...

Goodbye Boris, Hello Liz

  • 4 Sep 2022

I’ve been of voting age for 42 years. I’m used to having prime ministers who are in office for a long time. For 35 of those 42 years we had prime ministers who served for at least six years. Latterly we’ve had three PMs who’ve only managed only three each. Historically, this i...

'Iain Dale All Talk' Podcast Episode List

  • 25 Aug 2022

In August 2019 I launched a new podcast called IAIN DALE ALL TALK. During my Edinburgh Fringe show I was inundated with people asking if they could listen to the interviews if they weren't able to attend the shows themselves, so we decided to release them all on a podcast. And...

Edinburgh Fringe Diary Days 6-10

  • 19 Aug 2022

I dubbed the Wednesday of my Edinburgh run, ‘Super Wednesday’, as it involved hosting three shows rather than two. I was actually quite anxious about it as two of the interviews involved Nicola Sturgeon and Jeremy Corbyn, both of who have the ability to be quite tricky intervi...

What I Really Said About Nicola Sturgeon & Her Critics

  • 16 Aug 2022

I don't know what has got into the water supply but for the last week I have been under attack for things I haven't said and don't believe.. That's Twitter for you, I suppose, but it's incredibly frustating to read stuff which is simply a lie. It all stems from the interview I...

Edinburgh Fringe Diary: Days 4 & 5

  • 12 Aug 2022

Monday proved to be quite a day here at the Fringe. The first show was with Rory Bremner, who was everything I knew he would be. In fact, I barely had to ask a question! He was an absolute joy to listen to, and his impressions were as spot on as ever. He also talked about ...

Edinburgh Fringe Diary Days 1-3

  • 7 Aug 2022

My Edinburgh experience started early on Friday morning. I finished doing my regular stint with Jacqui Smith on Good Morning Britain at 7am and was then driven to Kings Cross station to get the 8.30 train to Edinburgh. I normally fly, but thought this time I’d let the train ta...

Have We Misjudged Liz Truss?

  • 31 Jul 2022

It’s been quite a week in the Tory leadership contest with Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss continuing to knock ten bells out of each other. Sometimes the person who wants something most is the person who prevails, at least that is how it seemed last Sunday in the ITV debate. Rishi S...

Taking the Plunge Into an Orchestra Pit [UPDATED]

  • 24 Jul 2022

I’ve spoken at quite a few literary festivals over the last couple of years, but Buxton International Festival is my favourite. Buxton is a sublimely beautiful town and the organizer of the books side of the festival, Victoria Dawson, is a delight to deal with...

Tips for the Conservative Leadership Hustings

  • 24 Jul 2022

The way some people are talking, the Tory leadership campaign is already over. They seem to believe that Tory members have made up their minds that Liz Truss is the woman who can win them a fifth general election. I would suggest that is far from the case. My experience fro...