Last week I did an interview with Justine Greening for her podcast, Fit for Purpose, which you can listen to here. They've transcribed some of it. Enjoy! Iain Dale Podcast Political commentator, broadcaster, author and podcaster Iain Dale talks to us abo...
The Accidental President, Amazon Prime, Apple TV Just when you thought you’d had your fill of Donald Trump and could happily never think about him again, along comes something which shatters that particular illusion. And so it is with ‘The Accidental President’, which looks...
What does levelling up mean for London and how do we achieve it? When we talk about levelling up, many people think about deep-rooted inequalities faced by communities in the North of England or the Midlands but what does it mean for London? The mission to quash reg...
Tearlach Ceannadach/Charles Kennedy: A Good Man Speaking, BBC Alba, iPlayer This documentary about the former leader of the Leader Democrats was a joy to watch. Having said that, it was more an adulatamentary than an objective look at Charles Kennedy’s life, ...
This column first appeared on Reaction. Trump Takes on the World, BBC2 Why, oh why, doesn’t the BBC commission more contemporary documentaries like this? As an institution, the BBC has unparalleled access to all the leading political players in the world. Just menti...
This is from today's Sunday Times Sports Section. My club: Iain Dale on his love for West Ham Broadcaster Iain Dale remembers the perfect day at Wembley and the decision to leave Upton Park for good. Interview by John Aizlewood Why West Ham? It wasn’t in my genes:...
This article was first published on Reaction. The Imposter podcast with Tom Harris Tom Harris was a Labour MP between 2001 and 2015. He was also one of the first MPs to harness the power of the internet through his blog, And Another Thing. But in 2010, he announced ...
This column first appeared on Reaction. Chesapeake Shores, Netflix In the 1970s it was The Waltons and Little House of the Prairie that provided us with so-called ‘Feel Good’ programmes. They went out of fashion for quite a long time but in recent years, the advent of Ne...
As you know, I am a man of impeccable taste and decency. Back in the early 2000s at Politico's we had a range of political knickers with political slogans across the front. When I relaunched in December I thought I'd revive this genre, so I've ...
Westminster Insider with Jack Blanchard, Politico There’s a new political podcast on the block, as if we haven’t got enough already. Time will tell if this one – hosted by Jack Blanchard – has the necessary addictive qualities to attract a large audience. Blanchard is known...
The Stranger (Netflix) OK, OK, I am a year late to the party, but if I am, I suspect you might be too, and I wouldn’t want you to miss out. My partner and I have very different TV viewing habits but just occasionally we find a series we watch together. And that’s what happe...
The vaccine rollout continues apace. So far, around 70% of people over the age of 80 have had a vaccination, although in some parts of the country, like North East Essex and Suffolk it hasn't even reached 40% yet. Some areas have now achieved 100% coverage with the first dose....
This week Iain takes a look at three new podcasts on the block… OppositionCast with Dr Nigel Fletcher Everybody seems to be starting a political podcast nowadays, and half of them seem to have the word ‘Cast’ at the end of them. This one, hosted by the Centre f...
This article first appeared on Reaction. Virgin River, Netflix Like most people I like to find a couple of shows on Netflix or Amazon Prime to binge on. Most of my staples like House of Cards, 24, Desperate Housewives and Designated Survivor have now been discontinued, s...
My musical tastes are, shall we say, not to everyone's liking. I like pop, pure and simple. I like misery ballads. I also like electro-pop and African music. You'll find lots of examples here in my list of ten favourite songs of 2020. These are songs I discovered in 2020, but ...
In a desperate bid to get rid of his charisma bypass, Sir Keir Starmer changes his name to DJ K Starm. Jealous of the titles of his fellow party leaders Boris Johnson awards himself a knighthood, but it's rejected by the Honours Committee. The Radio 4 controller de...
So how did my predictions for 2020 pan out? Well, not very well. Here were my 2020 predictions. In 2019 I got 7/10, this year, not so good! Rebecca Long-Bailey will not become leader of the Labour Party CORRECT LBC will hit 3 million listeners per week by the e...
New Year is always a time to reflect on what's happened over the previous twelve months - the good and the bad. Friends you've made, loved ones you have lost. Workwise, 2019 was a great year for me. The move to the evening slot tuirned out to be a great thing, given much of...
Unless you're a political geek, or a LibDem, you've probably never heard of Jonny Oates, but take it from me, if you read his book you'll want to know more about him. This is not the book I expected it to be. Given his background in Liberal Democrat politics, and his positi...
Here is an hour long compilation of my 'best bits' of 2020 on LBC And here is my Christmas Day show with Jacqui Smith where we named our People of 2020.