Where Were You on 9/11?

  • 10 Sep 2021

On Saturday the world will mark the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks on America. It hardly seems possible that it was so long ago. I guess we all remember where we were when it happened. I was sitting at my desk on the balcony at Politico’s talking to my boo...

Telegraph Column: Zoom Parliament? Never Again

  • 8 Sep 2021

Rachel Johnson once accused her brother of using the Commons Dispatch Box as a “bully pulpit”. It was intended as an insult but this week we will find dozens of MPs doing much the self-same thing, and a very good thing too. For 18 months we have experienced a neutered Parliame...

In Defence of Max Sebald

  • 22 Aug 2021

There’s nothing in this country we love to do more than to tear down our heroes. And what better place to do it than in a book review? I tend to shy away from writing book reviews because they tend to say much more about the reviewer than they ever do about the book itself....

Austin Mitchell 1934-2021: A Tribute

  • 18 Aug 2021

Maverick is a word which is often used in a pejorative manner, especially when it’s used to describe a politician. It was a word which was often used to describe Austin Mitchell, but in his case I think it was used in an affectionate manner. He embraced the word himself and hi...

Biden's Shameful Afghanistan Decision Will Define His Presidency

  • 16 Aug 2021

When Joe Biden announced a few months ago that all US troops would be out of Afghanistan by September 11th, I denounced it as the worst example of gesture politics. September 11 2021 is the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks which provoked President Bush persuading NATO and ...

How Priti Patel Becomes Prime Minister - From the New Book 'Prime Minister Priti & Other Things That Never Happened

  • 16 Jul 2021

Counterfactual history has always fascinated me, and this week Duncan Brack and I have published our fifth book of politically themed counterfactual essays titled 'PRIME MINISTER PRITI & OTHER THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED'. It contains 23 essays and I have written the title ...

The Lessons We Can Take From Euro 2020

  • 12 Jul 2021

I’m writing this on what can genuinely be described as the morning after the night before. It’s not exactly a feeling of grief, but certainly a feeling on intense loss. Last night was probably the only chance I will get to witness England winning a major tournament, and in...

The Consequences of Matt Hancock's Resignation & Have we Reached 'Peak Johnson'?

  • 26 Jun 2021

When I woke up at 5.25am on Friday, I checked my phone and saw the front page of The Sun. I actually exclaimed: “F*****g hell”, as opposed to “F*****g hopeless.” I was due on air on Good Morning Britain an hour later with Jacqui Smith. We were both staying in the same hotel so...

Reaction Media Review 55: GB News

  • 22 Jun 2021

  GB News Back in 2006, YouGov’s co-founder Stephan Shakespeare and ConservativeHome founder Tim Montgomerie (now of this parish) conceived of an idea to start a political TV channel on the internet, with a decidedly right of centre tinge. This was in the days before sma...

Reaction Media Review 54: Quickly Kevin Podcast & Euro 2020

  • 19 Jun 2021

Quickly Kevin, Will He Score? Podcast I listen to ten or a dozen podcasts each week and I’ve now worked out that more than half of them are about football, rather than politics. Make of that what you will. The latest addition to my regular staple of podcasts is ‘Quickly Kev...

The 12 Podcasts I Listen to Every Week

  • 12 Jun 2021

I have about 50 podcasts which I subscribe to in my Apple podcasts library on my phone. Some I dip into, some I listen to every episode religiously. Here are the 12 podcasts I make sure I listen to reach week. There was a time when most of these would have been political podca...

Reaction Media Review Column 53: Piers Morgan, Matt Forde & Keir Starmer

  • 8 Jun 2021

Piers Morgan’s Life Stories, ITV The Political Party Podcast with Matt Forde “You should get Keir to do more of these non political and more personal interviews,” I said to his press officer after he spent ten minutes talking to me and Jacqui Smith about his memories of ...

We Need to Have a Word About Deaths

  • 2 Jun 2021

So, no new Covid deaths were reported yesterday for the first time since last March. As a former Prime Minister might have put it, just rejoice at that news. Well it is of course fantastic news, but should it affect the decision Boris Johnson  must make in the next two weeks a...

Reaction Media Review 52: Dan Snow's History Hit & A Gay & A Non Gay

  • 1 Jun 2021

    Dan Snow’s History Hit podcast Over the last twenty years there has been an explosion of interest in history, not just British history, but all sorts of different kinds of history. The podcast genre is absolutely ideal to capitalise on this. I’ve already reviewed ...

How using Freestyle Libre Has Helped Me With My Diabetes

  • 29 May 2021

This article has just been published in the Diabetes UK magazine, Balance.   I suspect I am the same as any other diabetic. I struggle to keep my blood sugars under control. After 13 years I know what I am supposed to eat and drink but I have all the self discipline of a...

Reaction Media Review 51: Geoff Norcott's 'What Most People Think' Podcast

  • 25 May 2021

What Most People Think Podcast with Geoff Norcott Geoff Norcott has made quite a name for himself over the last few years as one of a breed as rare as hen’s teeth – a right wing comedian. It has to be said that he’s now not alone as a member of that small band of brothers. ...

Cross Question Goes Three Nights A Week

  • 20 May 2021

A bit of an announcement. In September 2018 I started presenting a new show on LBC called Cross Question. It has been a once a week hour on a Wednesday evening, and the format is similar to Any Questions or Question Time, the main difference being that the questions come fr...

Reaction Media Column 50: May Elections Coverage & the LibDem Podcast

  • 20 May 2021

One of the things I love most about my job at LBC is being given the opportunity to present election night shows. I’ve done four general election nights, two American elections, two referendums and various local election nights. Last week, however, Covid thwarted me. Most of t...

Reaction Media Review 49: 'Pariah' - The Harvey Proctor Story

  • 11 May 2021

Parish, Tortoise Media Many people felt that the internet would signal the end of properly funded investigative journalism and a dumbing down of current affairs coverage more generally. The reverse has been true. Investigative journalism is far from dead and it’s possible t...

Ten Things To Take Away From the May Elections

  • 9 May 2021

You can tell an awful lot about a politician by how they react to an election defeat. This week we learned that Sir Keir Starmer is neither a lucky general or is cool under fire. His interview on Friday afternoon was a textbook classic of how not to react. He looked like a rab...